Thanks Days Platinum” is an anniversary brand of platinum that is developing a campaign based on the concept of “a platinum jewelry gift from a husband to his wife as a token of gratitude for the many years they have spent together.
We were in charge of the creative renewal of the campaign and produced the video and graphics. The video was used on the web and in stores, and the graphics were used in store POP and in newspapers and magazines.
「長年の感謝の気持ちを込めて、夫から妻へプラチナ・ジュエリーを贈る」というコンセプトでキャンペーン展開するプラチナのアニバーサリーブランド 「サンクスデイズ・プラチナ」。そのクリエイティブ・リニューアルを担当し、映像とグラフィックを制作。映像はWEB及び店頭、グラフィックは店頭POP及び新聞・雑誌にて展開。
Creative Producer : Juichi Kataoka
Planning&Copy : Juichi Kataoka / Akiko Ishii
Director :Juichi Kataoka
Director of Photography : Akio Tomari
Agency : The GOAL
Production : montana7pictures