Nature, Life, and Humanity. This is an interview documentary film with interviews and images of the educational team, current students, and alumni, based on the founding spirit. and images of current students and alumni. The video will be used at student recruitment fairs, on the website, and in other media to convey the Toho University brand under a unified image. We will convey the Toho University brand under a unified image.
「自然・生命・人間」。建学の精神を柱に教育陣、 在校生、卒業生のインタビューとイメージ映像で構成する
インタビュードキュメント映像です。 生徒募集説明会、ウェブサイト、その他媒体など、多くのシーンで
Creative Producer : Juichi Kataoka
Director : Junichi Kataoka
Director of Photography : Tetsuya Shiota
Agency : AXHAM
Production : montana7pictures